Whether you have been with your romantic partner for a while or just gotten together, these ideas will help you show daily affection and strengthen your relationship. Showing affection isn’t always easy. For some, physical or emotional affection feels difficult or unnatural. For others, the daily hustle of living and working takes over and displays of affection take a backseat. We’ve put together ways to show affection through emotion, action, and words. Choose the options that are right for you! You can also incorporate these ideas into your next date night, anniversary, or upcoming celebration for National Couple’s Day on August 18!
Do an activity your partner loves (but you don’t).
Relationships are all about compromise. This doesn’t mean you need to go to extremes or do something way outside your comfort zone. But occasionally, prioritize the wants and needs of your partner. For example, if your partner loves to golf in the summer, book a surprise tee time. Rent clubs so you can practice with them—even if you’re terrible!
Encourage their hustle.
Motivate and support your partner, to build up their self-esteem and confidence. A relationship is all about teamwork. Support their dreams and goals with words of encouragement or a long hug after a hard day. If they are working on a side hustle or pushing hard for a promotion at work, give their morale a little boost. When you love someone unconditionally, you respect their hustle and support that ambition. In turn, your relationship will grow with a deeper level of trust and mutual love.
Do something for your partner at a difficult time.
If your partner has been preoccupied putting the kids down for bed, do a nighttime chore you would usually do together like cleaning the dishes. If they are sick, buy them something special. If they are having a terrible workday, surprise them with a picnic in the park. When your partner is at their lowest, let them know they are loved and supported.
Spend a day tech-free. Be fully present.
Put down the phone and spend the day together. Take a walk, grab lunch at a restaurant, or do something as simple as grocery shopping together. Give your partner undivided attention because it says, “I love you and you matter most.”
Surprise your partner with small, romantic gestures.
Showing love and attention in small ways will make a huge difference in your relationship! If your partner is cold, warm up their blanket in the drier and wrap them in it while you cuddle. If your partner is a foodie, make them a big breakfast one morning. It’s so important to express your love language more than sexually, so you can grow closer and increase emotional intimacy.
Make time for them.
Spend time together, no matter how busy both of you get. Try to find moments when you can connect, like chatting over coffee in the morning or meeting for lunch. As a friendly reminder to yourself, schedule these times in your phone calendar or planner. These little “day dates” will help you stay connected and emotionally intimate.
Joke around.
Laughter is the best medicine—in life and in a relationship! Keep your relationship fresh and fun by joking and laughing. Amp up the fun by doing an activity together.
Show physical affection (outside the bedroom).
Extend your intimacy past the bedroom and offer physical touches every now and then—a hug, an arm around their shoulders, a brush of fingers against their neck, a kiss when you walk in the door. These little gestures express your love and show how much you care. You don’t always need grand gestures to say, “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you.” It’s the little things over time that keep your relationship strong.